In 2024, Building Links Manually Is Really Important

Google is cracking down on spammy websites. But, don’t worry! We can still improve our site’s visibility using manual link building.


Earlier this year, Google made some big changes to how websites show up in search results. They started removing websites that had low-quality or copied content. This means the way websites show up in Google searches is changing.


Even with these changes, building links to your site is still really important. Gary Illyes, an expert at Google, says that getting natural links from other sites is the best way for Google to find your website. This is why manual link building is so important.


Manual link building means getting links by reaching out to others, making great content, and building relationships. It’s different from spammy methods where you just try to get as many links as possible. Manual link building focuses on getting good quality links from trusted sources.


But, be careful! Buying links is a big no-no. Google doesn’t like it when websites buy links to try and trick their system. They want links to come naturally because people find your content useful.


When websites buy links, it can lead to trouble:


  • Google might ignore those links.
  • Your website might lose credibility and trust.
  • It can be really hard to recover from being penalized by Google.
  • You might waste money on links that don’t help your site.


Google has even developed AI that can spot spammy links and make them less valuable. They want to keep search results fair and useful for everyone.


Instead of buying links, focus on creating great content that people want to link to. Here’s how:


  1. Be Relevant: Get links from websites that are similar to yours. It shows Google that your website is an authority in its field.
  2. Make Helpful Content: Write content that helps people. When people find your content useful, they’re more likely to link to it.
  3. Plan Your Strategy: Have clear goals for your link building. Know who your audience is and what kind of content they like.
  4. Build Relationships: Connect with others in your industry. Collaborate on content and help each other out.
  5. Stay Diverse: Get links from different kinds of websites. It makes your link profile stronger and safer from Google penalties.


This kind of manual link building helps your website grow in the long run. It’s a smart and sustainable way to improve your site’s visibility and credibility.

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